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Corpsefucking Art – Addicted To Murder
[Lyrics & Music – Andrea Cipolla] At 6:47 p.m. there’s the new episode of Addicted To Murder Brains fly Skating on red globules It’s a good telefilm They say Tv is reality If TV says It then it’s true I’ll become a serial killer I switch on the Tv But I don’t see a thing…
Harlan Howard – You Love The Ground I Walk On
YOU LOVE THE GROUND I WALK ON (Harlan Howard – Don McHan) « © ’67 Tree Publishing, BMI » RECORDED BY WAYLON JENNINGS I work so hard to win myself a place in life And leave behind the slums and poverty Now I have wealth a fancy home a pretty wife She loves the ground…
Adina Howard – I Wants Ta Eat
Male Voice: Welcome to Ch’ Miguel Will we be starting with cocktail today? Male Voice 2: Uh, yes. I’d like the bottle of Don Perrignon. Some Belugio Caviar. And for the main course We’ll have the Peking Duck alaroux and the stuffed artichoke. Adina: Peakin’ Duck? I don’t want no duck! Give me some pig!…
Ruhi Su – Pireli Şiir
Bu Ne Acaip Bilmece Ne Gündüz Biter Ne Gece Kime Söyleriz Derdimizi Ne Hekim Anlar Ne Hoca Kimi İşinde Gücünde Kiminin Donu Yok Kıçında Ağız Var Kulak Var Burun Var Ama Hepsi Başka Biçimde Kimi Peygambere İnanır Kimi Saat Köstek Donanır Kimi Katip Olmuş Yazı Yazar Kimi Sokaklarda Dilenir Bu Düzen Böyle Mi Gidecek Pireler…
Gaye Aksu – Yemenimde Hare Var
Yemenimde hare var Yüreğimde yare var Ne ben öldüm kurtuldum Ne bu derde çare var Of aman aman amman hoş dilli Başında yazması kandilli Çürüttüm otuz iki mendili Bulamadım o yarin dengini yemenim turalıdır Sevdiğim buralıdır Geçme kapım önünden Yüreğim yaralıdır Of aman aman amman hoş dilli Başında yazması kandilli çürüttüm otuz iki mendili Bulamadım…
Maria Mena – They Smoke a Lot
You smoke a lot. Down that hill is where you’re dropped. And your momma’s sayin no no no no no. And your daddy’s sayin no no no no no. You’re in trouble. You’re in trouble this time,this time. They smoke a lot. Catch their disease, thats what you’ve got. And your teacher’s sayin no no…