All of my answers and all my reasons
And all my excuses they never asked
Cause all of my answers they keep on changing
I spend my life waiting for the next
All of my answers and all my reasons
And all my excuses they never asked
Cause all of my answers they keep on changing
I spend my life waiting for the next
Birisi susmus kusmus niye Digeri der ki hersey zevkte Biride durmus sadece bakar Öteki kafayi bozmus yemekle Gunesi sevmez hep geceyi bekler Kosuyor sanir sadece emekler İnsanlar gormezler insanlar bilmezler insanlar duymazlar Ne yapsin insanlar geceye doymus su dunyada Yurude dusme sansin varsa en iyisi oyalan sen kendinle Kimseyi yorma bos derdinle verince alir fazlasini…
Beni Görüp Yüzün Öte Dönderme Yine Benim Gönlüm Sendedir Sende Yıkıp Hilal Kaşın Da Yavrum Yere İndirme Yine Senin Aşkın Yavrum Candadır Canda Şerbet Senin Dudağında Dilinde Arzumanın Kaldı İnce Belinde Sen Bir Güzelsin Ki Türkmen Elinde Günah Bende Değil Sendedir Sende Sensiz Çıkıp Şu Yaylayı Yaylayamam Sırrın Açıp Yad Ellere Söyleyemem Çok Günah İşledim…
If there was a God, Im sure he would be hated. For making bugs, in this hell he has created. Get on a coat, put on a hat, I am infested It happens just like that. Im sure I hate ’em There ain’t no maybes, Bodylice, and crabs, Headlice, and scabies. You take your pick,…
(Kim) best + sexy what was it anyway jean-michel what was it anyway saw you there what was it anyway kneel right down what was it anyway guitar on the ground what was it anyway lost yr hand what was it anyway hipsters stand what was it anyway glitter tongue what was it anyway gave…
(Linden/Angelo) There
(feat. Sara Stokes) [Sara Stokes] Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Adjust ya radio Boy you got me tripping, boy you got me tripping Baby wet my whistle, boy you got me tripping You got me heated So won’t you wet my whistle, boy you drive me crazy And I can’t get enough [Verse 1] (It’s…