All of my answers and all my reasons
And all my excuses they never asked
Cause all of my answers they keep on changing
I spend my life waiting for the next
All of my answers and all my reasons
And all my excuses they never asked
Cause all of my answers they keep on changing
I spend my life waiting for the next
Çaresizim Nasıl inansam bilmem Bu uzun ayrılığa Nasıl katlansam bilmem Bir ömür yokluğuna Artık güneş doğar mı Çiçekler açar mı bilmem Bakıyor görmüyorum çaresizim çaresiz Ah Allahım benden çok benden çok mu sevdin Saatler durmuş sanki Zaman geçmek bilmiyor Göz yaşlarım dinmiyor çaresizim çaresiz Ah Allahım benden çok denden çok mu sevdin Artık rüyalarımda uzanan…
It’s been one of those days when the sky falls down And the world around me comes crumbling down I’m picking up the pieces of the life that she left behind I’ve got a million of her lies swimming in my head And a million reasons why I wish we never met Cause everyone believed…
tuesday wakes up silent and there aren’t enough pills, to sleep; (cut out) like a miswired shortwave radio its over, but nothing can change to make this right, when you live in a nightmare, it’s written all over your face. and in a short time, you’re never the same again, the distance is streamlined, between…
I feel the night is on your side Shadows wait you when you rise You hold the weight of every moment Move no distance in your stride And while you wallow in your wounds You let the devils draw near One more mile is all we have You got nothing to fear I feel the…
Gönül yari bulmayınca Muradını almayınca O yar benim olmayınca Gülemem gülemem Ben o yarsiz olamam Gözyaşlarım seller gibi Yandı bağrım çöller gibi Susuz kalmış güller gibi Solamam solamam Ben o yarsiz olamam Yar gönlümü bilmeyince Garip yüzüm gülmeyince Yar canımı almayınca Ölemem ölemem Ben o yarsiz ölemem
Mosquitos buzzin’ round my head Spanish moss for my bed I sail them sea dried land cause I’m an alligator man I hunt the gator all night long sell his hidin’ then I’m gone I pick all the bells I can they love the alligator man This country is my home from this place I’ll…