Skandal var,mandal olma özgür ol ve manda olma.Gözümün içine bak ve savaşı hisset.Bu organizma kodoman olamaz,komprodorlar ortasında kaldı insanoğlu güneşe bakamaz.Sendikasyon olayı derine indi motive olmadım ben paravan içine konmuşumda nereden haberim olacak acaba bilemem önüme kondu dosyalar,bende imzaladım kandırılmışım iç savaş nedeni bu benim için.Sistemin etkilenişlerine paralel sistemli analizler ve bunlara bağlı sistem problemi çözebilecek formüller artı teoriyi bırakıp pratik yapmalıyız diyebilecek insanlar ayrıca uygulama sırasında cesur olabilecek varlıklar gerek…
Diğer Şarkılar
504 Plan – Fathead
now that all this smoke is clearing, the plan has been destroyed and im back here, in puddles of what was my moon light, the only thing that kept me safe from tears, and pictures of you race through my head, and now its time for me to go back home, in my head, im…
On Broken Wings – Lovesick
Something different Something new When all I do is think of you Starring at an empty wall Cluttered with pictures of you so beautiful I’ll swallow one last eyeful only to turn and fall (to my knees) Something different something new when all I do is think of you A subsudiary lookout point Before I’m…
Don McLean – Where Were You Baby?
Where Were You Baby? – (Josh White) As recorded by DonMclean I looked through every barroom And I searched from coast to coast You were scarce as low-cost housing Baby when I needed you most And where were you baby, when my heart went out? You left me ba___by, in all this darkness and doubt…
Rod Stewart – SO TIRED
(Stewart) By the time I was home I was feeling bad Never the less I go mine Straight out of bed I was feeling my head but I’m So, tired I just got to get home So, tired I just got to get home Surely its time you should face the facts I’m not the…
Hope Conspiracy, The – For Love
This ritual / is a crushing of the spirit / sleepless and suffering / I have broken / it’s been dark / the light of day / is months away / and I am years / from what I used to be / I’ve tried so hard / to find a piece of myself /…
Nefret – 9 Köy
(CEZA) Tv i alemde neler neler görüyorum Sanat için soyunanlar,birden sanatçi olan mankenler Kimin umrunda bir ananin evladi kaybolmus Sizleri de ananiz benim için dogurmus Reklamlarini garibanlara yardim ederek yapanlar Onlari sömürü mahiyetinde kullananlar Insanlarin acizliginden yararlanan Saklaban yarismalar,Maymun sunucular Gecekonduda çikan olaylari Televizyonda görünce herkez isyan ediyor Gecekondular orda dururken kimsenin aklina gelmiyor da…